I once told Jeff that if we ever installed a new toilet/head on the boat that I was going to paint the inside of the bowl.
Here was my chance!
Now you may wonder where I would get such an idea...
The inspiration came from friends, Tommy and Allyson Cooper, or more specifically the toilet bowl on their Gibson houseboat.
Just imagine my delight the first time I was a guest on their boat and found this on my trip to the restroom!
Love it!
Got to have one!
So the new toilet was ordered and preparations were made for the not so fun job ahead. Jeff took the boat to the seawall of the Marina so that we could use its facilities while ours was out of order and then proceeded to remove all the old plumbing.
The next order of business was procurement of paint that would be "toilet-safe" and hopefully hold up to the less than ideal conditions. A quick trip to the Ben Franklin in Key West and we were all set with a suitable palette of colors of Porcelaine 150.
Now it was time to see if I could actually pull this thing off.
I have to say I was a little nervous as I practiced on a 39 cent tile from Home Depot in anticipation of laying my brush on the pristine $500 bowl.
So this is me on an overcast Saturday morning painting a commode in the cockpit.
Many a comment was made by many a passer-by.
But in the end, I managed to turn our new toilet into a one-of-a-kind piece of art...practical art at that!
Now you want one, too...don't you?