Saturday, August 15, 2009

Rain, rain, rain...& TARPON!

. It's a very rainy day here in Marathon. Jeff is working a half day and going to the eye Dr. I am finishing up small choices on the blog & getting ready to load some more pictures. I've got to do a little catching up to get us current so I'll start with our visit to Robbie's.

Everybody who has driven down for a visit has been told by Jeff that they should stop and feed the tarpon @ Robbie's in Islamorada. Nobody ever does because they're all in a hurry to get HERE. But Jeff and I stopped and checked it out the other day and it was well worth it. That's Jeff's hand in the mouth of the fish & that's me holding the fish timidly and at a safe distance. Jeff was bleeding when we left. I was not. So, check out the links for Robbie's, and make sure you read the story of how all those tarpon came to be there and how it all started 18 years ago with a fish named Scarface.

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