Monday, November 30, 2009

Weekend Work

We originally thought we'd be finishing up the new battery bank this weekend but we came up 2 feet short on wire and no where open to buy more until Monday. So, with that project coming to a screeching halt we dug in and took on a couple more.
Jeff recently acquired a rowing dinghy that had been left here by a former resident 6-8 months ago. After making a phone call, the owner was surprised to hear the boat was still floating and since he had tried to give the dinghy away before he left, he said Jeff was welcome to have it. So we towed it back to our boat in it's water-logged condition and Jeff got in the water and scraped off the reef-like layer of fire coral, tunicates, and barnacles that probably weighed more than the dinghy itself.

After a couple of weeks of drying out in the sun, the boat was ready for some sanding. Jeff took care of that in the garage...making a huge mess with fiberglass dust everywhere.

I remained a save distance away.

In anticipation of the chore I needed to complete, the previous day we had taken the inflatable dinghy to the beach and scraped the bottom clean so that we could haul it out of the water without making a huge mess. Then after running an extension cord half-way across the marina, I went to work with a heat gun and a scraper to remove the expired registration numbers. Next step...paint on the new ones.
So now our registration is legal and with any luck the numbers and letters will stay where I put them.

Jeff still has quite a bit more work to do on his free rowing dinghy and we'll take pictures of his progress along the way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Misty you are certainly an extremely valuable first mate. You are an inspiration to me although I don't think I have the "timber" to do the things you accomplish. Lisa