So, call it the flu, a cold, or a virus, but whatever bug was creeping around the marina, I managed to catch it. It started with a sore throat and a restless night and developed into pure blown feeling bad. The first day was spent mostly in bed, cold chills one minute than hot the next. Jeff brought home chinese food [yummy...egg foo young!] for dinner and some of that
nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever so I could rest medicine. The next day I didn't even bother getting off of the boat and Jeff procurred us some Dion's Quik Chic Chicken [you'd know what I was talking about if you listened to Keys radio...it's all the rage!] with a side of plantains & macaroni & cheese...you tell me where else can you buy fried plantains in a gas station? The third day, I actually drug myself to shore for a shower and some groceries and made myself do a couple of chores around the boat...exhausting. How can my head feel so hot when my feet feel so cold? Day 4 had me doing laundry at 6:30 am [no line!] with a quick jaunt for fuel and to the library and back in bed by 10:15...it may have been mid-morning for the rest of y'all, but I had already put in a full day. Today, the 5th day of my convalescence, has me feeling better...ish. The few coughing jags that I've underwent this morning have had me eyeing the NyQuil, but so far I've restrained. It makes me feel funny and then I can't tell if I feel bad because of the bug or the remedy. I am mostly just sick and tired of being sick and tired. I am reading a good book though...my third one for this week, and the Pig Races are this weekend so I am looking forward to those festivities.So wish me well and stay tuned for racing pigs.
I was wondering if you were ok...
And now I know! Glad that you are on the mend, and hope that you feel back to normal soon!
"You never know how good you feel until you don't feel well."
Feel better! You have my impending visit to look forward to.
Misty: boo hiss. Steve is sick too. His symptoms are more like H1N1 & he said NyQuil kept him from popping a cap on himself! I know it's difficult being sick on a boat when you don't have all the facilities at hand. Take care & feel better soon. BTW: my daughter ran into Pete & told him we had been down. He said he knew because he reads the blog. YIPEE for you. Feel better soon.
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