....hereby known as THIN LINE.
I don't have time for a big, lengthy blog about how happy we are to be back on the boat and the perils of living on land...I honestly don't know how you all do it.
We'll save all that for another time.
But yesterday was a good day.
First they picked the boat up.
Then moved her just to the right of where we have sat high and dry for the last 5 months.
Then they placed her very gently in the water.
That's when I popped the cork on the bottle of cheap champagne and took a swig.
The motor fired right up...amazing after sitting for so long...and Jeff maneuvered backwards down the canal to the space on the dock we'll be calling home for just a bit longer.
Doesn't that boat look beautiful in the water?
Once parked, Jeff took a sip from the champagne bottle, gave a sip to the boat, and then a sip to Neptune.
And of course, the dog had a sip as well!
I know some of you must be curious about the name change. The boat was formerly named "Exposure" because the previous owner was a photographer. Jeff found the name to be apropos because he thought of the lifestyle, travel, and the new places and things as being "exposed" to new experiences and cultures.
We thought of naming the boat "Groove Billy" in honor of the late, great musician, Tim Krekel.
We also thought of "Derby City" to hail our hometown of Louisville, KY.
Another option, "Parking Lot," was an reference that only the two of us understand.
And after a day of cartoons, we considered "Tuff Puppy."
"Thin Line" won out for several reasons. The first is we really admire our friend Dave Johnson's song writing talents and the line "it's a thin line between here and gone" really rings true when you live on a boat. If you don't like it HERE anymore, it's time to move on and go anywhere but. We really miss Dave since he's left Boot Key Harbor but we wish him the best in his musical endeavors upstate.
The other reason "Thin Line" works is as a reference to Jeff's prior occupation in law enforcement, retiring from the Louisville Police Department in 2007...the police often being referred to as "the Thin Blue Line."
That's all I have time for today.
Check back and I am sure there will be a slideshow of the whole remodeling process.
But for now, the long awaited day when we would be floating again is here and I just wanted to share.
Oh my. I actually got teary reading this blog. You are living "our" dream. Fair winds & following seas to all on board. Hope we "sea" you soon.
Lisa & Steve
Sooooo Happy for you!!
Oh. Oh.
Floating again!
The "Thin Line" looks beautiful! there's nothing like being at home.
Boat looks great, dog looks great and the people look great. I am happy that you are back at sea. Bet the first night's sleep was wonderful. See you soon.
Finally! I'm happy for you guys ... you were on dry land for far too long.
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