He came into Jeff's life in 2001. He'd come a long way...all the way from Holland...and the broker claimed he was "2" years old- although the vet disagreed and said he was at least 3 and probably closer to 4. Jeff tested 72 dogs before choosing Janus because of his strong drives and personality, and believe it or not, he used to be mean, evil, and nasty.
I met the boys in 2005 and the dog and I became fast friends...mostly based on bribery - I always came over with a squeaky toy or a tennis ball in my pocket.
The dog took to the sailboat and the laid-back lifestyle immediately although it did take him some time to get over all the "holes" he perceived to be all over the vessel. He eventually got used to the hatches being open.
They retired together in 2007.

He got caught in a couple of bad storms while sailing and was never quite as relaxed about it as he was in the beginning...one of the reasons we made it to Marathon and have yet to leave.

Sometimes he was moochie...
You certainly didn't want to leave a loaf of bread unattended!
Sometimes he was skootchie...
He could definitely take up his half of the bed, bench, or couch.

And he was definitely smoochie!
[But especially Jeff.]
A little over a month ago he developed a limp and had a lump on his front leg. Jeff took him to the vet and the x-ray confirmed it was bone cancer...fully metastasized with his whole body likely riddled with it and the bone practically eaten through.
So, we moved to the floating dock to make getting on and off the boat easier and for the last month, we've just been taking it easy, doing things the dog likes to do, and spending all the time possible.
The dog has gotten a little worse every day. Those same drives that made him a good police dog kept him going...kept him wanting to keep going.
The good news is that he never lost his appetite although he could barely stand and was just as much of a chow hound yesterday as he ever was.
Yesterday he took his last dinghy ride to a favorite bar/restaurant. He had his own burger(s) and fries and lots of attention.
He slept comfortably in the bed most of the night.
Today he's gone, but no longer in pain.
It's a very sad day on the S/V Thin Line.
I'm so sorry. Today is indeed a sad time. Janus, my favorite Granddog, was loved and will be missed very much. My fav photo is Janus "guarding the good stuff"! Janus had the best parents in the world!
Misty: What a loving tribute!
Oh Misty & Jeff. I am just sobbing right now. Janus was such a major part of your lives & of everyone who met him. My first greeting by him was when he bolted out the door & latched onto my wrist. Dog drool not withstanding, I loved that pooch. We were with him on the river as he learned how to play fetch with Max. They have been reunited across the Rainbow Bridge. Lisa & Steve
We'll all miss him. I hope wherever he is, there are unguarded trash cans are full of peanut butter sandwiches.
I can't imagine how hard this is for your guys. thinking of both of you, and Janus. timo s/v itxaso
Jeff and Misty, being dog lovers ourselves...our heads are low and our hearts heavy for you today. Warm hugs, Judy, Irwin and PeeWee
I am sitting in the Honda Dealership with tears running down my cheeks.......brought my lap top because my car is going to take about 2 hours.......I am soooo sorry. Janus was such a special dog and will certainly be missed. Misty you did an awesome job with your posting....just keep in mind that there is no death, but just a change in form. He will still be protecting both of you. Love & Hugs, Mama Henning
Our hearts go out to you Jeff. I know losing him leaves a huge hole in your heart. He was a great companion and so very lucky to have you as a friend. Know that he could not have lived a better with you there to take care of him. Coley and Karin.
Very Sweet Tribute Misty, thanks for letting us know.
I'm so sad. Janus was a wonderful creature, and I know he will never be forgotten.
I understand how it feels not only to love the dog but to be his working partner and know he'd protect at all costs. Sometimes I feel Apollo with me as I know Jeff will feel Janus. They never truly leave us.
They say that there are no bad dogs just bad owners. This must be true because I have witnessed the exact opposite In Jeff and Janus. What an amazing K-9. I'm glad I got to meet him on good terms and not as a fugitive under Jeff's command.
RIP faithfull friend....you will be missed and honored.
Keith B.
Very Caring Tribute ... great photos, beautiful true words. Love to you both.
I am so sorry for your loss. There is no love like the love of a dog. It is pure and unconditional. He was blessed to live his life along yours. His every existence was a dog's dream. He had every opportunity to use all of his talents, and then he was given the gift of active leisure. All the while, he had his best friends beside him. Everyone should be so fortunate. Sleep well Janus.
My heart aches for the hole that he has left. There is this story about a child's theory on why dogs don't live as long as humans.
“People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life – like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right? Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don’t have to stay as long.”
Janus lived his purpose well.
I am so sorry. Please find comfort in what you did for him.
Misty, this is a very loving tribute to Janus. When I learned of Janus' passing, I shead tears for both you and Jeff. Jeff,you were very forunate to find such a very special friend and partner in Janus. Janus was also very forunate in finding you.
Love you guys
Uncle Bill & Aunt Shelia
I haven't checked the blog for a while. I'm sorry to hear about Janus.
You never lose a friend like that. He'll always be with you.
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