With the promotion came a change of schedule. He'll be working 4 - 10 hour days from 8am to 6pm - Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday with the rest of the three days off.
As far as working on the weekends goes, pretty much, here in the Keys, there is no difference in a weekday and a weekend - you can find just as much to do and see on one day of the week as any other, so it doesn't have the same blah, I-might-miss-out-on something feeling as it might have up on the mainland.
It's nice having him off for the 3 days and I am hoping that it will give us an opportunity to do some stuff around the Keys we haven't done yet, but the schedule is taking some getting used to. Monday after work is now "Friday Night" and when Friday rolls around and it's time to head to shore in the early am, it sure feels like Monday morning.
Congratulations, Jeff!
Friday is Monday and Monday is Friday...pass it on.
GREAT NEWS!! I know exactly what you mean about the days either weekend or weekday, they're all the same when your cruising!! I think 4 10 hour days is way better!! Enjoy!! But seriously, there are things you haven't done yet?
YIPEE JEFF!!!! Congratulations!!!
Steve & Lisa
Congrats Jeff!!!
G"day Misty,
Good one Jeff, I heard that on the watervine. Funny when you are at sea you hear all sorts of things. I am delighted for him, a great bloke and you both are good friends to have in this life, the only one we have so we are grateful.
An to you my dear, your blog is so good never loose the sense that we want news from Marathon, a very special place for me and some people who live on the water.
Hiding from Gale or whatever her name is in Norfolk and back to sea in the morning and up the Gulf Stream. All good and exciting. Will eventually get to England. Love to you both, Peter
this is great!
love you guys,
aunt karen
Hey Misty and Jeff, Great blog site and congrats on promotion. sv Speck///Irwin, Judy and PeeWee are heading for Marathon for August till October....does this mean that we have to follow Jeff's rules now around the harbor!!?
btw....we now have a composting toilet...so no more pumping out...yeah!
See you soon...judy
Georgetown, Exumas
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