My poor phone has taken it's last abuse.
First, it would randomly power itself off. Then the screen wouldn't light up. Now, it refuses to power on at all.
First, it would randomly power itself off. Then the screen wouldn't light up. Now, it refuses to power on at all.
So, if you've placed a call or a text in the last few days...I probably didn't get it.
But never fear! A new phone will soon be on it's way!
A nearly indestructible phone at that...
Hopefully it will be able to withstand life on the S/V Exposure.

It also features an MP3 player, FM radio, and a built in flashlight.
I was going to call, and tell you how bad I felt about your phone...
It's the "nearly" indestructible part that made me laugh --- if it's really, really good, perhaps Jeff needs one also. Is this record time for his?
It's here and it works, I am up and running again!
i need that... i drop my phone on a regular basis...
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